Tripcocks on 165s
"David Hansen" wrote in message
On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 20:03:53 +0100 someone who may be "RPM"
wrote this:-
Only the tripcock on the leading vehicle is "active" on a 165/168.
If two units are coupled together the tripcocks on the two cabs that are
coupled tend to trip but this does not prevent the train from moving.
That probably/possibly involves the tripcock arms on the rear units
regularly striking a trackside trainstop arm at considerable speed,
once on each trip. This will be where the train enters the area
fitted with LT signalling. That can't be good for the life of the
arms and they are likely to break off at the point when they need to
It would be better for the arms to be automatically moved out of the
way when coupled up.
I am advised that the trip arm/s on trailing units stays down until it
strikes a trackside obstruction. Since it is swtiched out of the circuit
there is no effect when that happens. It is automatically reset when