"John Rowland" wrote in message
"Stuart" wrote in message
John Rowland wrote:
The last time I was at FP (a couple of years ago),
the balloon murals were on the Piccadilly line platforms,
and the duelling pistols were on the Victoria Line platforms.
AIUI The balloon murals precede the Victoria Line
I can't disprove that, but they look significantly more modern than the
Victoria Line. Maybe the current murals are 1980s replacements of earlier
murals which were on the (then) Picc platforms... but I can not recall any
murals on the (current) Picc platforms in the 1970s.
Incidentally, which Jubbly station is portrayed at the bottom of this
page.... is it the new Wembley Park?
John Rowland - Spamtrapped
Transport Plans for the London Area, updated 2001
A man's vehicle is a symbol of his manhood.
That's why my vehicle's the Piccadilly Line -
It's the size of a county and it comes every two and a half minutes
Looks like Canary Wharf going from Jubilee into Cabot Square shopping
complex (passing alongside Citibank)
The white wall opposite is now a (in my view rather wonderful) mural of
brightly coloured rectangles. I saw them doing it - sticking the pieces on
the wall rather carefully.
Know it quite well from passing that way to and from work quite a lot (on
the way to Bene Bene to get a coffee in the morning)