On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 02:04:46 +0100, sharky wrote:
Sarah Czepiel wrote:
And all the answers were '**** all use'
Why don't you grasp the fact that
Wars with America only - failure
America plus allies - half a chance
America not involved - win.
Your ****ing lightweight and a liability.
How far do you think your little stink boats would have floated
without our oilers? 
Where exactly di you find reference to your 'oilers' - can't find a
single reference to you refuelling out fleet?
one of ours.
I believe it was Maggie Thatchers book but I don't own it and checked
it out from the library years ago.
Oh **** off! Give someone the keys to battleship and say 'safe driving
guys'. Do you know how long it would take to train all the sailors to
use the new systems? Please, grow up.
Do you think we have standby crews for air craft carriers? Get a clue
you wankstain. You wanna use the ship you man and crew her.
We DIDN'T want to use it, you offered us a piece of ****e we didn't need
and expect us to be grateful, how does that work then?
Here, borrow my space shuttle.
Err, don't want/need it/can't fly it/its useless/falls apart regularly
Ungrateful limey *******, we did OFFER to help.
All I expect is for you to continue to whine incessantly, and you
haven't disappointed.
We all know what happened to your USS Yorktown
think we'd let our sailors loose in one of you piece of ****e toys?
It'd be more likely to blow one of our own boats out of the water:
**** me, I only looked that up to spite you, but god you ARE scarey!
Minimum of 18% (Korea) casualties due to 'friendly fire' rising to 49%
YES 49% thats one less than ****ing 50% due to it! in Persian Gulf.
****, why not just shoot 25% of your troops and NOT GO!
You'd win then!
You scary, scary *******.
Join the US military and get shot by a mate. Lovely.
Well that was a lovely off topic diatribe. Try and stick to the
subject matter, ok?
The subject IS and WAS "America - Useful in warfare as an ally discuss"
Facts and answers - NO
And I've given you facts. And you whine. You've spent three days
whining when we could have had a discussion about the FACTS of the
Oh, on a finishing note
"We will not be afraid of terrorists"
"No US personnel allowed inside the Greater London area"
Would be funny if not so lame.
You're only here because hardy injections of spunk from the US of A
kept your grandmothers legs open.
Paid for with stockings and chocolate.
Did your dad buy your mum the same way, great chat up line.
She wouldn't have looked at the sweaty turd otherwise.
Actually my father was stationed in DC working for the War Department
during WW2. He and Mum met in Connecticut and married in 1946 in New
York City.
Did he bribe her with candy?
If either were still living I'd ask and then they'd want to know why
some unknown nosey **** is interested in their lives.
Now go get ****ed Sweetie, seriously. It'll improve your disposition
and clear up your skin problem.
Personal insult, always the refuge of the mentally and factually
challenged. Bring it on.
Don't get angry Princess. All I've done is **** up your little
hissyfit by shoving factual pineapples up your arse.
Nothing ****s up my hissyfits, they go the way I want them to.
Spastic and frequent seems to be your way from the looks of it.