Sarah Czepiel wrote:
On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 02:51:14 +0100, sharky wrote:
Sarah Czepiel wrote:
We DIDN'T want to use it, you offered us a piece of ****e we didn't need
and expect us to be grateful, how does that work then?
Here, borrow my space shuttle.
Err, don't want/need it/can't fly it/its useless/falls apart regularly
Ungrateful limey *******, we did OFFER to help.
Learn how to post properly , that looked like I posted this crappy line.
You *DID* post it you stupid wankstain.
YOU mistyped that into my message without allowing the text to carriage
Why the **** would I call YOU a 'limey *******' when your a Merkin bitch
clearly, and 'OFFER to help' you with our war!
You've ****ing lost it, you Merkin limey ******* bitch **** for brains .
Need any help?