Sarah Czepiel wrote:
Why don't you go suck a dick and leave the flaming to those competent
enough to do it.
Leave the flaming to the KKK? One of your best historical groups?
Actually one of our best historical groups were the Minutemen.
As in 'I'll give you the best minute of youe life love in exchange for
some dodgy stockings and some candy?'
Us Brits can last whole minutes longer than your 'Wham, bang whoops I've
lost it ,give me 10 mins to recover' girly-blokes.
We have Shakespeare and Castles, you have oppression and cotton
plantations. Do you still own some slaves? Or do you now pay your Mexicans?
I push Mexicans back across the border. And if that doesn't work a
bullet between the eyes and the vultures take care of what's left of
them. Slaves?
WTF were my kids for?
Unnatural sex?
Now go figure out why you've convinced me you're a complete moron.

Stop kissing me, until I get a book deal and Tom Cruise (on stilts)
playing me, you don't get the benefit of thousands of years of
unmutilated genes like you bloody Merkin mixtures.. (no, I'm not English!)