Sarah Czepiel wrote:
YOU mistyped that into my message without allowing the text to carriage
I didn't type anything you silly doofus. The message ID clearly
shows your post with the line in question.
Whatever, if I HAD posted it , it would clearly have been in the context
of irony or sarcasm, which Merkins are clearly unable to grasp.
I'm sure you KNOW what I mean? Nah, forget it.
Hey, I've gone from a wanstain to a doofus, is that an improvement or not?
You got ****ed over on your argument and now want to try muddying the
waters to throw the attention off the subject. Won't work thanks to
Google is great isn't it.
Do you know how many results you get for 'transvestite' and 'fbi'?
63,000! Wow. You guys are just so tolerant of wierdness. I mean, who the
**** would admit to bing fbi?!
Woo, 'Clinton' and 'Blow' brings up 1,280,000 pages!
Err, Czepiel and Blow only brings up 149. Get busy girl, you only have a
while to build a reputation.
Oh, **** is it that time? Why is it you merkins are only posting at
ridiculous times of day? 4am! Post at reasonable times in future or I
won't insult you any more!