More bombs?
In message .com
"MIG" wrote:
Graeme Wall wrote:
In message .com
"MIG" wrote:
And of course the 1991 Iraq war, when the US told Saudi Arabia that
Iraqi troops were massing on their border to get US bases in there,
You mean the Iraquis hadn't invaded Kuwait?
and after which the US deliberately kept Sadam Hussein in power rather than
help the opposition.
"No UN mandate for regime change" The US did what people like you
wanted, got out of Iraq as soon as the UN requirements were fulfilled,
which was to eject the Iraquis from Kuwait.
There was a local rebellion against the regime. They thought the
invading troops would help.
Try getting your chronology right, the 'invading troops' had been withdrawn
before the uprising
They didn't; they shafted them instead.
When did the Americans ever do anything else?
That wasn't regime change imposed from outside. Unfortunately, that
sort of regime change wouldn't have given Iraq's resources to US and
British companies.
The rebellion wasn't about regime change but secession from Iraq. The UN
refused to allow support by third countries, not that the US were interested.
The reason Dubya ignored the UN this time was partly because his perceived
view that the UN had deliberatley thwarted his Dad's plans for an
all-American world.
We are straying a bit anyway. Shouldn't this topic be about what kind
of trains they have in Iraq?
Stanier 8Fs I believe.
Graeme Wall
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