Mile End Passenger Incident
Joe wrote:
Whilst doing volunteer work for LU at Hammersmith station, the DM
came down and showed us his pager, which showed that due to an
Incident with a passenger, Armed Police had to visit the station,
causing the District to be suspended Tower Hill - Plaistow and the
Central to be suspended as well (Later on changed to all trains
running but not stopping at Mile End). ANyone know what went on?
According to the BBC:
1115: Police respond to a security alert at Mile End station, where one
eyewitness reports a smell of burning.
1130: Mile End station is reopened as Scotland Yard explain the incident
was "nothing".
By the way, what sort of volunteer work are you doing for LU? Is this
their response to Bob Crow's demand for more staff on stations?
Richard J.
(to e-mail me, swap uk and yon in address)