More bombs?
On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 04:20:54 -0700 someone who may be "Roger T."
wrote this:-
While I agree that there are sometimes overblown claims of safety
your examples are debatable.
Rather like the Twin Towers? Able to take the force of a jet aircraft
They did.
However, they did not survive the subsequent fire.
Rather like the Titanic, unsinkable?
That was a mass media or financier invention. I doubt if the
designers and builders said that. They may have said virtually
unsinkable, which is a different thing altogether. The ship was in
many ways rather more unsinkable than many current ships, especially
car ferries, but there is a limit to how many compartments can be
opened to the sea and a ship still float.
There are a whole host of things one could crash an aeroplane into,
as well as Windscale. Chemical works (an oil refinery for example)
and suspension bridges are two obvious things.
So-called security measures are not going to prevent disasters. Only
draining the swamp will work.
David Hansen, Edinburgh | PGP email preferred-key number F566DA0E
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