Barry Salter wrote:
On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 18:20:20 +0100, Tim Bray wrote:
1 Day travelcard - not possible, but if you use prepay it will cap at
the price of a one day travelcard (for most journeys).
Unless you want to use a National Rail route that isn't one of the
limited number of interavailable ones, a list of which is in the TfL
Fares and Tickets leaflet, in which case you'll need a paper Travelcard
Just a few extra comments to reinforce the replies of Barry and others.
When using Oyster Pre Pay, if you reach a certain level of tube, bus
and tram usage during a single day then the total price you'll be
charged for that day will be capped, i.e. the Oyster system will stop
charging you for each single journey, and cap the total cost depending
upon what modes of transport you use (i.e. bus and/or tube), and what
zones you travel in if you use the tube.
It should clearly be noted that an Oyster card that has had it's Pre
Pay capped does _not_ become a Day Travelcard.
For TfL's guide to Daily Price Capping follow this link: (PDF document)
For TfL's general guide to using Oyster follow this link: (PDF document)
-The situation on National Rail-
Oyster Pre Pay (and therefore Oyster daily price capping) does not, in
general, apply on National Rail (i.e. overground) trains, apart from a
very few participating routes.
The most up to date list of these 'participating routes' (as they are
known) can be found on the Ask Oyster website by following this link:
So, if you plan to use National Rail trains (as well as tubes and/or
buses) during your day's travelling, buy a Day Travelcard, which as
other posters have already pointed out cannot be loaded onto an Oyster
card. You'll just have to put up with an old fashioned paper ticket!