London Tube Murder
"Richard J." wrote in message
. uk...
Malcolm Knight. wrote:
"Paul Terry" wrote in message
In message , Malcolm Knight.
It's just been whispered to me that the IPCC has appointed an
ex-Met policeman to head their enquiry into this shooting.
Why are they whispering?
The IPCC announced several days ago in a widely-reported press
statement that Roy Clark (Director of Operations) would lead the
Did they, sorry I missed that. The info came to me from someone who
works with them, I got the impression it was yet to be announced.
Clark has a very shady past.
Put up or shut up. In what way has he a very shady past?
If you read the recent 600 page publication "Untouchables; Dirty Cops, Bent
Justice and Racism in Scotland Yard" you will see Clark featured among many
Met policemen who were said to have variously stitched up innocents and
indulged in violence, robberies, drug dealing, conspiracies to murder and
actual murder. This book is freely available for anyone to purchase and read
and names not only the policemen involved, among them Clark, but also the
senior officers involved in the cover ups - including the current and
previous two commisioners.
The authors are still free men who the Met did not see fit to sue for libel.
They did issue a statement saying that there were "a number of inaccuracies"
but my understanding is that when pressed the Met failed to identify any.
The book goes out of its way to tar Clark with an extremely black brush and
it is probably available in your local library (ISBN 1 903813 04 2). Until
such time as the Met refutes its content I am happy to refer to Clark's past
as "shady".
Thank you for biting. :-)