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Old August 5th 05, 04:41 PM posted to
Clive D. W. Feather Clive D. W. Feather is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Jul 2003
Posts: 856
Default Thameslink 2000 Blackfriars

In article .com,
I can understand the need to increase through capacity at London
Bridge, but why does blackfriars need to be rebuilt? It already has 2
through platforms,

Right now the trains that arrive from the south on the western pair of
tracks use the eastern platforms, while those using the eastern pair
(the Thameslink ones from London Bridge) use the western pair. With the
increased traffic of TL2k this just isn't viable.

So Blackfriars needs to be turned inside out so that the Thameslink
platforms are the easternmost ones. Since their position is constrained
by the link to City Thameslink, this means moving the terminating
platforms to the west side which, in effect, means building a new
station *and* bridge across the Thames.

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