Ticket Gates & Oyster Cards
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 21:40:40 -0400, Roland Perry
In article , Robert Woolley
Erm, the colour sequence is:
a) Amber - Ready to read.
b) Red - Oyster rejected or not ready to read.
No, Red - paper ticket accepted.
I hold a staff pass (Oyster based). The red led comes on if theres a
misread. It is also on if the reader is off-line.
If a mag-stripe ticket goes through the gate the reader is not ready
to read, ergo the read light.
c) Green - Oyster read ok, no problems.
Never seen green. Why isn't "paper ticket accepted" green?
Because the main display shows whether a mag stripe ticket has read
Hopefully Paul Corfield will be along later and can explain....
rob at robertwoolley dot co dot uk