Blue is the new Pink - TfL 7DTC become Oyster only
In message .com, at
16:20:15 on Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Mizter T remarked:
From the 25 September adult 7 Day Travelcards (7DTC) will only be
available on Oyster, and not on a paper - and as a logical extension
of this (since 15 August) the £3 Oyster card deposit has been waived
*if* a passenger is buying a 7 Day Travelcard.
I'm a bit confused here. Will the 7DTC come on a free Oyster card
(disposable at the end of the week), or can I now put a 7DTC on my
existing prepay Oyster? I don't really want to have two - one for those
times I buy a 7DTC and another for when I don't.
Roland Perry