Piccadilly Line - Emma Clarke Announcements
On Sat, 27 Aug 2005 22:25:40 +0100, Clive
In message , Paul Corfield
On Sat, 27 Aug 2005 17:35:51 GMT, "Gareth Packer"
It will install new train
control systems on Metronet lines to improve safety and reduce headways,
although the new system will not be 'moving block'.
I understood the reason why the jubilee line was late to Stratford was
in problems over "Moving Block" signalling. Have they still not got
this item right yet? Couldn't LUL insist on such a system which when
working could be seriously advantageous to all the network? Private
companies were brought in to do the work, if they can't deliver
shouldn't they either be sacked as a common worker would or be penalised
until they came up with the goods? Or are punters just cattle who feed
the big corporations and have to put up with inferior service?
Alcatel are dealing with the Jubilee Line therefore the Metronet /
Westinghouse reference is not relevant. As Colin has mentioned in
another post the moving block proposed for the Jubilee Line had to be
scrapped because there was no chance of Westinghouse delivering it, it
would never have been ready for the planned opening date and safety
approval could never have been achieved either. As always with schemes
of the scale of the Jubilee Line Extension a series of claims have
settled to deal with delivery or non delivery of parts of the original
contract. I do not know how the signalling contract was dealt with.
LUL has specified an output for line upgrades. It is not specifying or
insisting on the technology because if it does and it doesn't work the
Infracos have no incentive to fix it. They would also send LU the bill
for fixing it and also for any abatements under the performance regime.
Under PPP they make the choices between track design, power usage, train
design and functionality / capacity and signalling and control systems.
They have to comply with our standards and make sure the trains can be
used by passengers and staff safely and effectively but otherwise the
performance risk is transferred to them.
Paul C
Admits to working for London Underground!