Commuting from London to Oxford for Work
In message .com, at
08:54:36 on Sun, 28 Aug 2005, Pred02 remarked:
My friend got an offer in Oxford for work. However, he wants to live in
London (Paddington area) and commute to Oxford for work. Does anyone
have experience wit h the following route, and if so what are the pros
and cons of everything.
Oxford Tube (bus): Cheap and relatively efficient, not sure where
nearest stop is.
Train: Bigger and more expensive, probably faster.
Car: Going against the London tidal flow (once you've go to the A40)
but will be very slow at the Oxford end. [Not quite sure how the
bus deals with that - are there lots of bus lanes?] Parking a
nightmare unless his work has provision, but if the work is more
than a couple of miles from the bus/train station, having a car
could save that leg twice a day.
Roland Perry