Gas (petrol) prices, and public transport.
In message , at 21:50:42 on Mon, 29 Aug
2005, Paul Terry remarked:
In the UK taxes are imposed when you buy the vehicle,
Sales tax plus a special car tax.
when you re-register it every year,
$300 car tax.
when you pay for insurance,
Sales tax on the premium.
when you pay to get it inspected (annually after three years),
Huh? Do you mean the sales tax on the inspection fee?
whenever you pay for repairs
Sales tax
and (at a colossal rate) whenever you fill it with gas.
Special fuel tax plus sales tax.
And in the USA (where I used to live anyway) you pay sales tax on
secondhand cars bought from a dealer. That's one tax we escape in the
UK. You can also end up paying sales tax on the car you already own if
you "import" it from one state to another!
Roland Perry