Victoria Revamp
Michael Hopkins wrote:
The only ways to increase capacity a
i) more trains
ii) improvements to track and signalling to allow them to run closer
together, thereby increasing the number of passengers carried per unit time.
iii) redesign trains to get more people on each one, i.e. adjusting the
balance of seats to standing space, and positioning the seats to take up
least space.
iv) schemes (such as the extra platforms proposed at Victoria) to help (ii)
by decreasing station dwell times.
What seems to be proposed for Victoria is a very clever solution to
*station* overcrowding. As I understand it, in itself it won't affect train
The frequency on the Victoria Line is already very high, I suppose that
you might squeeze a few extra in per hour but then you still have to
overcome the overcrowding and unloading/loading time at Victoria.