On 28 Aug 2003 22:11:38 GMT Robin May wrote:
} I had no sympathy whatsoever for the woman living by the tram line
} though. She'd known about it when she bought it and gave a weak excuse
} along the lines of "I liked the garden and the size, and the trams have
} got louder since I bought the house". If you're worried about noise,
} don't buy a house next to a tram line! Pretty simple, I'd have thought.
Like the chap who threatened to sue us because of the noise of our gate
being used at night.
Having moved into his warehouse conversion at however many thousend
pounds you'd have hoped that he'd realise that there were implications
to having a 24 hour business less than 10 yards away across the street.
Záhid sharáb píné dé, masjid mein baith kar
ya woh jagah batá dé jahán Khudá na ho.