Routemaster heritage route contracts awarded
On 13 Sep 2005 13:42:35 -0700, "
Sorry to continue in such pessimistic vain: the people running London's
transport now are morons and/or intellectual pygmies: Bendibuses are an
abhorrence in our crowded streets and that one fact alone shows that
the powers that be haven't the first idea or care about either public
opinion or the practicalities of running a World-class transport
London's buses are carrying more people than any time since the early
1970s, cover considerably more roads than ever in the past, operate at
frequencies not seen since the 1960s, have a superb night bus network
that is better than most cities' daytime network, and are providing a
service more reliable than at any time since the 1950s.
Yeah, some morons!!!!!
I remember only too well, in 'the good old days' of the early 1970s,
waiting at Hounslow bus station on a Sunday for a Routemaster on the
73 to take me home to Twickenham....waiting for an HOUR or more was
common, because LT turned most buses at Hammersmith or Richmond to get
the poor crews home for their tea!
Today, if I have to wait more than 5 minutes for a 281 from Hounslow
to Twickenham I start getting annoyed!!
Put those rose-tinteds away!