Surrey Canal Road ELLX station idea
How about shifting the proposed Surrey Canal Road station north a bit, so
it's roundabout the point where the line goes under the mainline viaduct
from London Bridge, then adding platforms on the mainline (specifically,
the tracks that go to New Cross), then closing the New Cross branch.
Closing the New Cross branch would allow greater frequency and reliability
on the rest of the network, and this station would provide the NR/ELL
interchange it currently does; passengers local to New Cross could just
use New Cross Gate.
Brilliant or what?
There could also be platforms on the New Cross Gate branch and even other
bits of the mainline, if the need for a giant interchange station in the
depths of Rotherhithe was felt.
I content myself with the Speculative part [...], I care not for the Practick. I seldom bring any thing to use, 'tis not my way. Knowledge is my ultimate end. -- Sir Nicholas Gimcrack