Oyster card online store, from US- no joy
On 21 Sep 2005 17:31:37 -0400, Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604
James Farrar writes:
On 21 Sep 2005 13:11:10 -0400, Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604
James Farrar writes:
PINs appear to have problems internationally. I've just got back from
two weeks in California, during which time I signed for all in-store
transactions, and if a machine (except an ATM) asked me for a PIN, it
rejected it (thanks, BART, amongst others).
Well, BART is not an organization that I'd expect to make things work,
I dunno, it's always worked pretty well for me. And they had
stored-value tickets years before Oyster.
They had to, that is the only kind of fare that exists.
That doesn't follow. You could have a system with only single and
return fares but only issue one-trip tickets.
James Farrar
. @gmail.com