Greatly reduced rail acess to Enfield over the weekend
And all the time Wagn have no train service, their brand new Journey
Check service has been saying "No problems" with NO information being
given about the buses, or what times they are. Check Wagn's site, the
JCheck service (WAP, PDA or web) or National Rail, and you're simply
told there are NO services at all on Saturday or Sunday.
It's a joke.. and I can't believe Wagn has produced a bunch of posters
and pamphlets on the new journey check service when it doesn't give ANY
information on engineering work or bus replacements. Amazingly, Nexus
Alpha has managed to do it for the likes of Silverlink, Central Trains,
One and SWT (and presumably all the other TOCs they've launched the
service for).
I simply used Thameslink to go into London yesterday. Cost me £2.90 to
the Zone 6 boundary (Gold card discount) and the train got to KX from
St Albans in 19 minutes! Add on £1 for parking, and Wagn can go to
hell until December.. Of course, Wagn won't be complaining that so few
people will be wanting to sit on a bus for an hour or two in each