I was fortunate to have this week off from work which meant that I got into
London on the Thursday to sample them on the last 'normal' day and even
then, the photographers were out in force!
I must say there was a very courteous and gentlemanly atmosphere at the head
of the 38 lane at Victoria on the Thursday between us various photographers
who were there.
My regular journey from Vic to Museum Street was one of the few highlights
of London, standing on the rear platform from the New Oxford Street traffic
lights around the curve into the Museum Street stop.
I also made it up on the Friday to witness the amazing festivities. Pics
here BTW:
I tended to concentrate on the 'ordinary' RM's and RML's about but got
plenty of the specials as well.
Best moment was the point when I was on a traffic island about halfway
between Green Park and Piccadilly and the bus lane at one point was filled
with a glut of nothing but half cab RT's RM' etc.
Lowest point of the day (apart from my fourth and last run to Museum Street
again!) was the pratt in the parcel company van who pulled in onto double
yellows in the middle of Piccadilly alongside the bus lane and wrecked the
one decent camera angle view just as a whole line of RMLs and RTs was
approaching. Does our friends at the Met Police no longer employ traffic
wardens anymore?
Being followed by the RMF as far as Shaftesbury Avenue was an interesting
experience, especially watching as people tried to board at the back only to
find no platform!!
Well done to one and all on a memorable event. Sadly I will not be able to
attend the last day of the 159 (As it is all being ditched by lunchtime, no
doubt amid a lunatic media frenzy) I feel there may not be much point
I did take a ride to Museum Street on the 38 on Saturday as well, front seat
in the Bendy as well. Oh dear....
If anyone can explain the logic in replacing a seventy seater vehicle with a
forty nine seater vehicle (less than that with standing passengers in the
way so you cannot get to them in reality) and expecting the majority to
stand (up to a 100!) is beyond me. Since when had making the vast majority
of your passengers stand all the way been an 'improvement'? At least the 8
went over to proper double deckers!
John M Upton
My Fotopic Collections:
South Central/Southern, Model Railway & Other Rail Pictures:
Bus Pics: