First Class in the South East
On 7 Nov 2005 13:08:31 -0800, "Andrea" wrote:
Why do some South Eastern operators, e.g. Thameslink and Southern have
First Class? Aside from the fact that the seating is not very differnt
to Standard (apart from Thameslink who at least have proper First Class
seats), there are never any ticket checks on board these trains so
While rare, ticket checks are more common than never.
First Class can become a free-for-all with no distinction between who
has a Standard ticket in First and who doesn't.
Just what is the logic behind offering First Class on suburban routes
in the London metropolis?
Passengers are more likely to get a seat if they pay for first. In
some cases, first class may technically not exist when the trains are
being used on suburban routes.
Should they adopt the Chiltern route of
abolisihing First Class? I mean, look at the Silverlink County First
Class - it's rubbish!
Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK