Thread: Fake dead ends
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Old September 8th 03, 10:16 PM posted to
John Rowland John Rowland is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Jul 2003
Posts: 2,577
Default Fake dead ends

Hi all,

I have recently found several roads which have dead-end signs at both ends
but are not dead ends at all. For instance in North Pinner, Barrow Point
Avenue/Lane has dead end signs at the junctions with Avenue Road and Oakhill
Avenue, but the road between them is a through road. The condition and age
of the tarmac suggest that if a barrier has been removed, it has not
happened recently.

This road is not a useful shortcut for any journey that doesn't start or end
within a few yards of it, so it is hard to know what purpose the deceiving
signs could serve. I would also like to know whether there are any
councillors living on it, since it seems to be the roads which contain a
councillor or two which are generally deemed to be too precious to be used
by the Hoi Poloi.

In the long term a policy of deceptive road signs will be counter
productive, because people will stop trusting them.

John Rowland - Spamtrapped
Transport Plans for the London Area, updated 2001
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