Revenue sharing between TfL and TOCs
Paul Corfield wrote:
This is probably more complicated because the trains interwork over LUL
tracks either side of NR tracks. People *may* be confusing what happens
to ticket revenue with what gets paid between the parties for the use of
the tracks under a separate agreement.
The post I read seemed to think that any ticket sold that was
subsequently used to ride a Chiltern service from an LU station did not
result in any revenue being paid to Chiltern. Obviously this shouldn't
be the case, but I was curious as to just what sort of revenue Chiltern
does collect from LU tickets sold along the Met.
Given that the only reason why we have Zones 6AB and C is to create
higher fares to avoid a massive step change in the Chiltern fare structure
beyond Amersham then I think you can take it as read that Chiltern clearly
do get revenue for its trains over LU tracks. IIRC Chiltern would not agree
to Zone 6 fares being applied right out to Amersham in the same way as
LU charges to Z6 to Epping and other stations in Essex where it is the sole
Interesting - I never did understand why the lettered zones existed as
they did. It all makes sense now.