I don't know about sharpened elbows, Paul C., but I was at the stop at
10a.m. and there were about a dozen people ahead of me (one had been
there since 7a.m.!) By the time RM2217 arrived at about 12.30p.m,
somehow 40 others had barged their way on before me and I, was amongst
the last 8 to be allowed on, and a friend who had queued with me was
the last person on. All of this, despite the fact that entry was
controlled by 4 Policemen.
Anyway, it's a pity that some people could not play the game properly -
Heavens, if one can't queue for the last Routemaster what can one queue
for? - and those who barged their way on will have it on their
consciences I hope, when they tell their grandchildren etc.
On a different note, I then enjoyed a ride from the LT Museum Shop to
Royal Albert Hall on a virtually empty RM1913, and I really do hope
that the Disney service succeeds and prospers. Peter Hendy was
expressing such a view when interviewed, but he also revealed that the
2 routes are being subsidised to the tune of £1.5 million. He exhorted
us all to use the routes so that they were financially viable. If not,
they will, he said, be scrapped ahead of their 5-year contract. I
don't understand how by us using it more it can be "profitable", since
most of us use Travelcards and I don't understand how that is reflected
in the accounts.
Anyway, Thank God for Routemasters and long may they prosper in
whatever guise they can find.