In message . com,
" writes
On a different note, I then enjoyed a ride from the LT Museum Shop to
Royal Albert Hall on a virtually empty RM1913, and I really do hope
that the Disney service succeeds and prospers.
The ones I've been on have been pretty well used, apart from early
morning and one of the last of the day this evening from Aldwych to
Tower Hill.
Peter Hendy was
expressing such a view when interviewed, but he also revealed that the
2 routes are being subsidised to the tune of 0 us all to use the routes so that they were financially viable. If not,
they will, he said, be scrapped ahead of their 5-year contract. I
don't understand how by us using it more it can be "profitable", since
most of us use Travelcards and I don't understand how that is reflected
in the accounts.
Presumably because use of such passes is recorded on ticket machines.
I work *very* hard now to persuade any visitors I deal with who have
free time to take a ride on one of the routes. I have to say, though,
that neither of them passing the Palace of Westminster or crossing the
Thames is a disappointment. But I'll still try as much as I can!
Anyway, Thank God for Routemasters and long may they prosper in
whatever guise they can find.
Indeed. Up there with the B Type and the BMMO D9....... g
Ian Jelf, MITG
Birmingham, UK
Registered Blue Badge Tourist Guide for London and the Heart of England