Gatwick Fastway (Fantasy?)
"CJB" wrote:
Hmm - excuse me - but what make a bus 'smart' if its painted silver
and blue. I've heard of smart computers etc., but not smart buses.
Assuming this wasn't a rhetorical questions, note definition 4 below:
smart (smärt) pronunciation
adj., smart·er, smart·est.
1. Characterized by sharp quick thought; bright. See synonyms at
2. Amusingly clever; witty: a smart quip; a lively, smart conversation.
3. Impertinent; insolent: That's enough of your smart talk.
2. Energetic or quick in movement: a smart pace.
3. Canny and shrewd in dealings with others: a smart negotiator.
4. Fashionable; elegant: a smart suit; a smart restaurant; the smart set. See
synonyms at fashionable.