On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Clark W. Griswold, Jr. wrote:
"CJB" wrote:
Hmm - excuse me - but what make a bus 'smart' if its painted silver and
blue. I've heard of smart computers etc., but not smart buses.
4. Fashionable; elegant: a smart suit; a smart restaurant; the smart
set. See synonyms at fashionable.
Funny you should mention that - i was looking at an Oyster ad on page 5 of
the latest London Pravda:
Which, for those not wanting to DL and have a look at the PDF, looks like:
[picture of loose change]
Slower Messier Pricier
[picture of OYSTER CARD yay!!!]
Faster Smarter Cheaper
I'm used to seeing Oyster described as a smartcard, and thus, by
implication, smart, but i'd always assumed that referred to it having a
microchip, that famously intelligent component, in it - apparently, no,
it's smart because of those clean lines and elegant shades of blue.
Other particularly entertaining bits in the latest issue include the
letters, in which Ken basically says "I AM GREAT AND EVERYTHING THAT SUCKS
SUCKS BECAUSE PEOPLE DO NOT DO WHAT I SAY", and the whole of page 15,
which is dedicated to newts.
The one bright spot is on page 11, where there's a nice, if small, 3D
graphic of what Victoria will look like after they've built this new
ticket hall. The version in the PDF is pretty rubbish, but the one in
print is okay - interestingly, the Distric/Circle platforms are drawn not
as solid cylinders, like the deep platforms, but as boxes made of an open
mesh of struts. This is, of course, how they're built, but i was surprised
that they'd gone to the trouble of drawing them like that - does this mean
that the picture is derived from an engineering model?
When you mentioned INSERT-MIND-INPUT ... did they look at you like this?