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Old December 23rd 05, 03:28 PM posted to
Christine Christine is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Jul 2003
Posts: 53
Default Teenager dies 'playing' on hi-speed track out of Paddington

Okay the person killed maybe of unsound mind, very possible this time
of year! Sucides are common around Christmas. Is that not society's
fault?Not recognising someone needs help!

Or maybe it was a short cut home. At seventeen the parents should have
taught their seventeen year old the dangers in life, right from wrong!
And the consequences of breaking rules.

Under the influence of drink drugs, whatever! The individual's own
fault for not maintaining their own health and state of mind
sufficiently to know what they are doing.

You can have compassion for anyone involved and that includes the poor
individuals that have to clear the mess up after a fatality, it's not
nice I have to do it.

Which ever way you look at it, the loss of any human life isn't nice..

The railway is a dangerous environment, mistakes often end in death!
What is the point of putting up signs warning people of danger, for
people to ignore them.

I have no sympathy for the drunkard who decides to walk home along the
railway lines because they have missed the last train. I certainly
don't in the early hours searching the railway lines for body parts.

Suicides, how selfish are they!!! Can't kill themselves, so
traumatise several railway workers by jumping in front of a train and
scattering themselves over the front of a train and along the railway

Children, yes poor child, but what on earth is an under ten doing out
along near railway lines??? What on earth are the parents thinking
of?? And then they quite blatantly blame the Railway for their childs
death, not because they didn't know where their child was!!!!

The British( not all, but a few) are stuck up our own arses!!!!
Instead of thinking we should be careful, life is precious, we take
risks and when those risks go wrong, it isn't our fault we didn't obey
rules it is always someone else!!!!

Sign says it is dangerous to trespass, so we do it!! Railway Bye Laws
state that one isn't permitted to use the railway if under the
influence of drink, gosh I wish they would enforce this to protect
staff! But people go on the railway drunk or drugged up. Off the
railway, speed signs say that the speed limit is a set speed, many
exceed it. Speed cameras are put in, hell the fuss over them!

I just wish people in Britain would consider that life is a one time
thing, and why take risks with it? And if you do, don't blame others
for your own errors.

I'll get off my soap box now......just had a hell of a night clearing
up another fatality

Enjoy life and spend less time worrying about other peoples life and
the risks they take and those that lose their life through flouting
laid down warnings. The warnings aren't there to make life differcult,
but as a warning yu are putting your life in danger!!!!

Merry Christmas


On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 15:34:41 GMT, "the REAL Trevor McDonut"

"Simon" wrote in message
It's not as if it was a tragic accident

Perhaps his family have a different perspective

It's time to face reality - he played his game and lost.

No danger of the Christmas spirit here then

He was knowingly and willingly in the very
wrong place at a very wrong time.....and paid the price

And a happy and prosperous 2006 to you and yours

y'see, exactly what i'm on about. What has Christmas spirit got to do with this event ? Does it make any difference if this
happened in July ?

The guy was trespassing on a live railway and got hit by a train. He was 17 years old. He knew it was a) wrong and b) dangerous
but he still took that decision and got the consequences.

I feel very sorry for his family ( as mentioned ) but at the end of the day, he's an adult ( or as near to it in the eyes of the
law). Do i have to dress it up and pretend i have massive sympathy for HIM simply because it's Christmas ? HIS actions cost him
HIS life. Regardless of date, this guy was a bloody idiot. If your saying that in this week i have to say ' i feel so sorry for
him and maybe it wasn't his FAULT and he was only 17 ' for the sake of Christmas spirit but for the other 51 weeks of the year
it's ok to be truthful, then sorry, i don't buy that.

A happy and properous 2006 to you and yours. My they drive safe and keep of bust railway tracks