DLR Service Disruption
Robin May wrote in message .. .
enough for them". Well I'd suggest that in actual fact the voting booth
isn't good enough for them, because they have no hope of electing a
candidate who would represent their political views.
Hmm, interesting. So you're saying that any group of people whose views are
of such a minority standing that they'll never get anyone elected, should
force their views on the majority by illegal means. Now correct me if I'm wrong
but I was always under the assumption that democracy was government by consent
of the majority. If suddenly the minority should be in control why not just
take that to its logical conclusion and have the minority as one person which
for arguments sake we'll call a dictator.
I get the feeling you're the sort of person who only thinks a vote is democratic
if it happens to agree with your views, which is generally the attitude of
extremeists everywhere.