On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 21:05:29 -0000, "Dom1234"
Loads of lies have been told about the New Years Eve tube strike.
Here's the truth!
Which obviously fails to address exactly why Bob Crow and his puppets
chose to strike on the one day that is guaranteed to alienate the
general public against them. The inescapable conclusion is that Bob &
Co. genuinely believed that LUL would cave in in the face of such a
threat; in other words, they have cynically used the enjoyment of
ordinary Londoners to try to force through something so unreasonable
that they know that a threat to strike on any other day of the year
would not work.
It is notable, of course, that while the RMT claims 4,000 members
amongst LU station staff, only 39% of them participated in the strike
ballot, with 1,327 - i.e. 33% of the total number of members - voting
in favour of it.
Of course, we are given to ask exactly who "zoneonelondon.co.uk" are.
Despite first-glance appearances, this is not a general newsite, and
seems to exist only to regurgitate RMT press releases and other union
activist platitudes. It's no surprise that "external links" are
restricted to the RMT, teh Socialist Workers Party, and - presumably
as a half-hearted attempt to appear balance - the Mayor's Office.
The domain is registered to one "David Knight," who has - perhaps
understandably - chosen not to make any other details publicly
available. He's had the domain since 27/01/02, and yet what is
currently there is all he seems to have done with it in almost three
Nick Cooper
[Carefully remove the detonators from my e-mail address to reply!]
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