wrote in message
If we were in any doubt - despite his attempts to suggest otherwise -
that the poster hiding behind the "Dom1234" & "RedAspect" pseudonyms
is, in fact, the RMT activist David Knight responsible for the
laughably reprehensible zoneonelondon website, I offer the following:
RedAspect has posted this on uk.adverts.other:
This contained a link to an eBay auction:
The seller's trading name is **www.computerbitz.co.uk** and according
to the Nominet Whois, this domain is registered to... David Knight.
Come on Dave, why are you too scared to use your own name?
Thank you for publicising my eBay auction. I wouldn't do that on this group
because it is off topic.
You are of course correct in saying that I am an activist member of the RMT
and that I have the web site
So what?
However you are quite wrong to link me with the "pseudonym" (the correct
name for this on newsgroups and forums is by the way 'Nick' or 'Nickname')
It is usual for members of newsgroups and forums to use a Nick so what's the
big deal. I have never denied that the Nick 'RedAspect' is indeed me. In
fact all I have done is to remain silent until now when you and others have
indulged in speculation.
While we on the subject and before your rather childish imagination runs
wild I am also the Webmaster for
www.acrossthetracks.co.uk. This web site is
not owned by me but I did design it and I host it free for the ATT editorial
team. The editorial team comprise RMT, ASLEF and TSSA members. All UK
railways are represented and we invite contributions from anyone who works
on these railways. (Proof will be required)
Now if everybody would like to line up and undress the interrogation and
intimate searches start at 6pm. By order,Nick Cooper.
Whoever he is.
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