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Old January 16th 06, 02:33 PM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Dec 2004
Posts: 32
Default Dom1234/RedAspect/David Knight

RedAspect wrote:
"Nick Cooper" wrote in
message ...
On Sat, 14 Jan 2006 14:27:58 -0000, "RedAspect"

wrote in message
If we were in any doubt - despite his attempts to suggest otherwise -
that the poster hiding behind the "Dom1234" & "RedAspect" pseudonyms
is, in fact, the RMT activist David Knight responsible for the
laughably reprehensible zoneonelondon website, I offer the following:

RedAspect has posted this on uk.adverts.other:

This contained a link to an eBay auction:

The seller's trading name is **** and according
to the Nominet Whois, this domain is registered to... David Knight.

Come on Dave, why are you too scared to use your own name?

Thank you for publicising my eBay auction. I wouldn't do that on this
because it is off topic.

Not when it's evidence it isn't.

You are of course correct in saying that I am an activist member of the
and that I have the web site

So what?

However you are quite wrong to link me with the "pseudonym" (the correct
name for this on newsgroups and forums is by the way 'Nick' or 'Nickname')

Hair-splitting irrelevancies aside, that might just be plausible had
you always posted as RedAspect using, but unfortunately for
your credibility, your first such posting was through Tiscali at 02:58
on 09/01/06. We note, of course, that "Dom1234" posted only through
Tiscali, and comparing the relevant message headers reveals too many
similarities than can be dismissed by mere coincidence.

It is also notable that "Dom1234" posted between 30 & 31/12/05, and
"RedAspect" from 09/01/06 onwards. Both have touted your, and are in fact the only posters to Usenet to
have done so. Are we seriously expected to believe that "Dom1234"
appeared out of nowhere as the only source of Usenet publicity for
your site for a couple of days, only to vanish into thin air before
"RedAspect" took up that role a week later?

Forgot to mention here that we are being expected to believe that
"Dom1234" was superseded by "Red Aspect", who initially was also
posting via Tiscali.

It is usual for members of newsgroups and forums to use a Nick so what's
big deal. I have never denied that the Nick 'RedAspect' is indeed me. In
fact all I have done is to remain silent until now when you and others
indulged in speculation.

The issue is one of honest transparency. Your failure to acknowledge
authorship of at the same time as you are
publicising the site under unrelated pseudonyms is fundamentally as
dishonest as if someone was publicising, and
it turned out that both were a Mr T Blair of SW1.

While we on the subject and before your rather childish imagination runs
wild I am also the Webmaster for This web site
not owned by me but I did design it and I host it free for the ATT
team. The editorial team comprise RMT, ASLEF and TSSA members. All UK
railways are represented and we invite contributions from anyone who works
on these railways. (Proof will be required)

Yes, well God forbid that you could accept anything from the ordinary
scum punters who have to actually use them, eh?

Now if everybody would like to line up and undress the interrogation and
intimate searches start at 6pm. By order,Nick Cooper.

Whoever he is.

I'm someone who doesn't change their posting name for dishonest
reasons; someone who - obvious anti-spam measures notwithstanding -
has a clearly obvious history of over Usenet 10,000 postings over the
last 9 or so years. I also have to balls to use my real name, both on
Usenet and on my web-sites. I also manage to run the latter out of my
own pocket and without having to rely on advertising (a contradiction
for you, eh, "comrade"?).

[Failure of "RedAspect" to trim signature and subsequent broken text lines corrected]

You really cannot take the truth can you Mr Cooper.
Accepting the truth would of course expose your postings
as the absolute drivel they are. Your only way of
attempting to cover your own inadequacies is to attack
anyone that has the effrontery to disagree with your lame

So which bits of the above do you refute? Coming up with a vague
general denial isn't good enough.

To suggest that I consider rail passengers as scum is
typical of people that have nothing sensible to say. I do
not and it is their safety as well as my own and my
colleagues that concerns me. It is why I became a health
and safety rep for the RMT and it is why I support the
ongoing industrial action.

As with any dispute there is no 'single' cause, there are
always peripheral concerns that have a bearing on the
matter. But the main two are jobs and safety and both are

Funny how none of your lot have been able to some up with an adequate
explanation of either, then.

With regard to your attack on the Across The Tracks
web site it is 'owned' by rail workers and therefore is
only open to them to contribute to it. The Zone One
London however is a private web site owned by me. The
general public can contribute if they want to and as I own
it I can support it with advertising if I wish. As both web sites
have their place in refuting the prejudice and lies of the
Tory press surely any open minded person would
welcome being informed of there presence.

Both sites are self-evidently biased and partisan in their own way. To
claim otherwise is either lying or self-delusional.

In a socialist society there would be no need for
commercialisation but as we work for capitalist
organisations and capitalists control the web the bills have
to be paid. I use my money in support of socialist and
charitable causes. My salary from the Tube is not
sufficient to do everything I want to do so I seek to
supplement it other ways.

How surprising, since most salaries I hear quoted for LU workers
compare favourably with mine for the NHS, and yet I don't have
difficulty finding the money to pay for my web-hosting myself (as well
as one or two "charitable causes"). Maybe one day you'll realise that
you're obviously ****ing money up the wall supporting that "revolution"
that the SWP and its ilk have been promising for a week on Tuesday for
the last 20+ years.

Finally, I am not the only person to have posted the ZOL
URL to this newsgroup and I wasn't the first. Whether
you believe that or not is of no concern to me as I have
made my position clear to all members of this NG and will,
in future, try to resist responding to your infantile protestations.

A simple search using Google Groups for "" shows
only 12 threads on Usenet in which it appears; the first was by
"Dom1234" (i.e. you) on 30/12/06, and all the rest seem to be down to
you either starting or contributing to the other 10 threads. The 12th,
of course, is this one. You are, of course, free to identify any
earlier messages by other posters that - as you claim - predate your
own first use, or in fact anyone else who is consistently putting
forward as a reliable and/or unbiased site.