Chemical/gas Assault on London 172 bus last night 26/01/06
Wasn't sure where to post this but thought I would somewhere on the
internet for reference.
This is a true event.
I was on a 2/3 full 172 bus last night going home from work at est
20.30 when suddenly all hell let loose and everyone on the top deck was
trying to get off the bus. The bus was on the old kent road close to
new cross gage when this happened. I just heard someone shout get off
and another person shout "bomb". Someone had released some kind of gas
which affected your breathing which starting to effect me at the front
of the bus. Obviously everyone panicked and fell down the stairs
trying to get off asap. I was at the very front of the bus so didn't
see the person who did this. Apparently the person who let off the
canister got away before anyone could give chase after recovered from
coughing. The police were called and turned up10 mins later. A few of
them ventured onto the top deck and soon came back down hacking and
coughing. Other people off the bus were coughing pretty badly. My
main problem was my nasal airways and it felt like someone had sprayed
an aerosol in my face. I think mainly this was due to covering my mouth
only when I guessed it was gas of some kind.
After being questioned by a paramedic he seemed to think it may of been
cs gas. However, he said cs gas had a fragrant smell to it which I
don't think it did in this case. If anyone on the bus would like to
contact me about to maybe shed some more light or anyone knows what the
gas could of been please get in contact. I'm still waiting for the
police to get back to me with an update. The bus did have cctv
camera's on and the police were trying to get someone to get a sample
of the gas.
Apparently the person who commited the offence was black and wearing a
dark hooded top. The bus driver even said he remembered him getting on
the bus 2 stops before using the back doors. If this was the case why
didn't the bus driver stop the bus due to this person not displaying a
pass or anything??? Is this the kind of suspicious behaviour in these
terrorist times were surposed to ignore. TFL and the crime in London
is a joke..... I won't be living in London next year that is a fact.