LU station abbreviation codes
Offically IIRC only the Central line and W&C has fixed codes and the system
the first three letters of a single word,
the first two of the first word and the first of the second for two word
station name
the first letter of each for three word the only one being TCR.
The exceptions are Redbridge which should be RED which whould be confusing
so they consider it two word so it's REB and Leytonstone LES the same rule
is applied so so not be confused with Leyton (LEY).
I think Bank is labled twice BAN for Central line and BNK for W&C its so the
ATO software which was never put in would not get confused.
"Matt Ashby" wrote in message
Does anyone know where I can get a list of the three-letter station
codes that LU uses to refer to stations? I don't know what the system
is called but I know each station has a code.
All help gratefully accepted.