Paul Scott wrote:
wrote in message
Bob wrote:,00.html
The requirement was imposed because of concerns that passengers might
become confused and fall on to the track while attempting to board a
seventh carriage on trains which only had six.
Wasn't this to do with the limitations of the platform edge doors at the new
stations, which couldn't be altered to open dependent on train length, ie
not exactly comparable with the situation on the Subsurface railway. Still
seems possible to have dealt with the issue even if platform staff had to
stand by the doorways for a few days.
It seems incredible that the platform edge doors couldn't be programmed
for a 6 or 7 coach train and have some sort of detection system.
Last week a space probe that has been in deep space for several years
having collected dust from the tail of a comet landed back on earth but
we can't have platform edge doors that can cope with variable train