Shock news regarding Tube Safety
In message , d
YOU chose to work on the underground - we don't choose to travel on it.
For most (if not all), it's the only way we can get around London. If
you don't like having to actually work for your money, go find another
job where you can eat biscuits, drink tea, and moan about the public.
You are supposed to be providing a PUBLIC service. You can't just turn
around and go "oh - don't worry lovely public - we're just using you as
a pawn in our sick, selfish game. We want more money to do less, and
we'll claim it's down to safety, but really we just want a day off"
I've said it before and I'll say it again, ASLEF&C were not a militant
union until Donaldson declared it was illegal to work to rule. Do you
want your safety compromised? No. Neither do I, and until you
understand railways and their operation you're out of you depth. So go
away, do a little research about the implementation of the Industrial
Relations act and it's serious concerns for safe working on the
railways. Then come back and discuss it.