I dont know if anyone was watching TV4 last night but a fascinating film
"Death Line" from 1972 was shown. Essentially people kept going into a
central london tube station late at night and never being seen again. [I'm
not saying which one for reasons that those who know which one it is will
understand - suffice to say the station choice made its screening at all a
little surprising]. It turned out they were being murdered by cannibalistic
troglodytes who were descendents of workers (both men and women) who were
marooned in a tunnel collapse during construction of the line and the
company building it didn't have the money to mount a rescue.
Although officially a horror film it was actually in some ways a tear jerker
as there were only two of the troglodytes left, one man, one woman and the
woman died in childbirth. It had a lot more depth than most films of the
According to the credits, the whole thing was filmed on location . Does
anyone know where it was filmed. Gloucester road and South Kensington seem
possibilities as there was a sign saying "District Line". The disused
station area where the trogoldytes lived was absolutely fascinating, does
anyone know where it was?
Finally according to this website
"The film was apparently based on one of the old urban legend's surrounding
the London Underground about subterranean humans (similar to troglodytes)
living in disused portions of the old underground system and preying on
unwary passengers."
Does anyone know any more about such urban legends?