J. Chisholm wrote:
fullDetail.asp?ReleaseID=186870&NewsAreaID=2&Navig atedFromDepartment=False
Transport Secretary Alistair Darling has today announced the decision to
fit out the new Thameslink station at King's Cross St Pancras, which
should be ready to take its first passengers at the end of 2007.
Jim Chisholm
Excellent! About bloody time too. Although I have to say that unless
Eurostar refrain from moving into STP until December 2007 (up to 9
months after CTRL2 is due to open), the DfT have wriggled and weasled
long enough to force potential Eurostar passengers to trudge across
King's Cross to get to King's Cross Thameslink, albeit for less than a
year, but nevertheless.....
Of course, there is still the Thameslink (cynic3000/cynic)* project,
on which we may have a decision by the end of the year.
* May subsitute with (optimist2012/optimist)