DLR Service Disruption
Boltar wrote:
"Cast_Iron" wrote in message
Highly unlikely since by being there he is making himself
unavailable for
work and would therefore have his Jobseekers Allowance
stopped. It is
possible that he has health problems that causes potential
employers not to
offer him a job.
Well he can't be too physically ill to be able to camp out
rough for that
long. Mentally however its quite obvious he's not fireing
on all cylinders
in which case why the hell would anybody be the slightest
bit interested in
his opinion? If I want some political insight I'll get it
from the media or
even listen to a politician occasionally , I don't head off
to the local
funny farm to consult the nutcases and other assorted
retards within. The
sooner this waste of space is moved on the better though it
does worry me
that we have to pass an act of parliament to move him. Has
no one in the
government the balls to just get some police or a bunch of
squaddies down and
shift him or are they all too worried about what the PC
muesli munchers in
islington will say about it?
Seems like you've got mental health problem's as well, you just don't know
it yet. Since when could we rely on politicians or the media for anything
objective? They're pursuing their own agenda's; this guy however has no axe
to grind.
Just because someone has such a problem doesn't make them wrong in their
views, nor does it make them a "retard" nor a "nutter". There are many
highly creative and intelligent people who suffer from mental health
problems. Grow up and stop confusing illness and inttelligence.
You can only use the police to shift him if he is commiting an offence.
Since MPs are having to pass a new Bill and by so doing create a new law to
get rid of him, it's obvious he's not; merely excercising his right to free
speech and peaceful protest. Having such a closed, narrow mind that you
dismiss the message because you disapprove of the messenger says more about
you that it does him.