DLR Service Disruption
Someone who sits on their backside at home however,
complaining about people who make their voice heard is
almost certainly "indolent and useless".
I, unlike the object of this thread, am up "off my
backside" by 6.30a.m. most mornings and (traffic and trains
allowing) on my way to wrl by 7.30am. and often not home
till 8 or 9p.m. For why? So that I can provide for me and
mine, and also, seemingly, to provide for the no-hoped
already rferred to.
At least HE cannot think me "indolent" or "useless" since
without me and those of my ilk he would die of starvation.
Did someone suggest your were indolent?
Yes: see the sentence above beginning "Someone who sits on their backside....."