Oyster travelcards on Bendibuses
Not that it would cost anything to beep it, but any inspector who
didn't understand about travelcards ... mind you, an SWT guard within
London told me that a travelcard could only be used on one NR trip, and
insisted on scribbling his mark on it (a paper one).
Been there, got the T-shirt (it's blue, if anyone cares) Bought an OP ODTC
in the morning, went to London, shouted at a few people, then headed home.
The problem that I had arose when I got off the train at Portsmouth &
Southsea, and asked to retain the ticket as "I'll be back in London later".
The RPI assumed, incorrectly, that I wanted to re-use the ticket to get a
later train back to the capital, whereas I was actually getting a lift back
up. A bit of head-scratching by the RPI at Portsmouth ensued, until I
actually said "why don't you just scribble something like 'valid within
zones 1-6 only', so I can't use it before I get back up there?". "Good
point", he said as he scribbled on the ticket, smiled and handed it back to