Oyster travelcards on Bendibuses
On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 16:04:38 -0600, "Tristán White"
I'm not sure though whether your advice about not having to beep on the
Tube either is particularly safe. Surely, if you have £20 extra on top of
your season ticket (in case you ever go out of zone) then if you don't
beep, the system will assume you have come from or are going to zone 6 and
will charge you accordingly?
If you're going out of your zones, you must touch in/out at *both*
ends of your journey.
If your journey is entirely within your zones, you don't have to touch
in/out at either end.
Furthermore, if an inspector came on and you hadn't beeped to get through
the barriers on your original station, would his handheld device not query
it and could he not suggest you are trying to come from a zone further out?
If you hadn't touched in, you'd only be in trouble if caught
travelling out of zone.