Penalty Fare - Surely they can't do this?
Hi all, hope someone can answer this definitively.
Yesterday morning, my girlfriend took the train from East Dulwich to London
Bridge. Because the train was pulling in to the station, she hopped on with
the intention of getting a ticket at the destination. However, while queuing
up at the 'Customers with fares to pay' kiosk, she was challenged by a
revenue protection functionary (or whatever they're called) demanding to
know why she didn't have a valid ticket etc.
After a prolonged debate, he did sell her a single, BUT also took down her
name and address saying she would be receiving a penalty fare demand in the
Question: Surely you can't be sold a valid ticket (whether pre- or post-
journey) AND also be issued with a PF for that same journey? Was he just
trying it on to 'scare' her?
I'm aware that this took place within a compulsory ticket zone etc., but
both her and I have bought post-journey tickets (including Travelcards) at
LBridge dozens of times before without hassle, even on the relatively rare
occasions when both the ticket office and machine are functional at E
Dulwich. In any case, LBridge is a barrier controlled station for God's
sake! What were they expecting her to do? Vault the gates?
To add insult to (potential financial) injury, the ticket inspector was
apparently pretty damned rude and intransigent, and wouldn't listen to any
sort of reasoned argument. Bloody jobsworths...