Oyster PAYG from Stratford-Seven Kings?
Just wondering, as I want to go to see Ilford FC v Barking & East Ham FC
I could go by bus (from Greengate near where I live, number 5 to Barking
bus garage, then the 145 to South Park Drive, and walk to the stadium in
IG1 1UE). But that would take well over an hour according to the Journey
On the other hand, if I time it well, I could take a bus to Stratford, the
train to Seven Kings, and walk to the stadium, in probably about 40 minutes
(55 according to the journey planner). But if it's likely to cost me much
more I won't bother.
First one would mean 4 buses for there and back. Second one would be 2
buses and 2 train rides.
Are there barriers at Seven Kings for a PAYG?
If not, would it be cheaper to use my Oyster PAYG for the buses to and from
Stratford, and get a cheap-day return to Seven Kings, or would it be
cheaper to get a paper travelcard for zones 2-6 from the corner shop before
getting on any buses?
You don't have to answer any of this, I'm rambling. My point is, how bloody
complicated it is when you don't want to break the law, but you don't want
to lose money to a system that is far from perfect.