Oyster PAYG from Stratford-Seven Kings?
Thanks for the reply. Outrageous that a cheap-day return (10 minutes there,
10 minutes back) costs £2.90
Still, better than paying £1.80 twice (which is the price of the single
I wonder whether, if they brought the prices down,there'd be fewer people
fare-dodging and they'd end up making more money? It's the same as pirate
DVDs.... if a film costs £15 from the shops, is it any wonder that peeps
pay £5 in the pubs? But if they cost £7 in the shops, more people would go
for the shop-bought DVD....
In the end I'll get a 2-6 day travelcard I think... and then if I see a bus
going to Barking from the Greengate before I see one going up to Stratford,
I'll take the bus to Greengate, then realise that I'm going to end up
paying £1.30 more than had I been using PAYG, and end up going to Mile End
for a few jars afterwards just to make my conscious feel as though I'm
making good use of my travelcard and won't feel as conned. And end up
spending £20 down the pub.
Yep, that's logical.... :-))