Inspector Sands diversifies
On 21 Apr 2006 12:47:21 -0700, "TedJrr" wrote:
Was happy shopping in Waterloo M&S this evening at around 1820, when
the PA system went into hyper mode imploring out r old friend Inspector
Sands to attend the South Concourse. At first I thought this a bit
odd - why would M&S take a feed off LUL's PA. But no, this really
was a Network Rail Inspector Sands!
How long has the Major Stations Group had an Inspector Sands as well?
The fire systems are linked at Waterloo given the transfer of
responsibilities for certain parts of the station (long gallery and
connection corridors under the main line concourse) when the W&C came to
LUL and also with the construction of the JLE.
Shops on the main line concourse have to be linked in as well for
obvious reasons.
Paul C
Admits to working for London Underground!